More About the Author "vicky.k.russell"

Author Nick: vicky.k.russell
Name: Vicky Russel
About the Author: Vicky Russel is a professional writer in a top most online printing company. Visit this site to find and learn more about the easy, cost effective and exquisite process of online printing.

Articles by vicky.k.russell :

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How to Best Use Postcards

They are small; they are cheap; and they are creative. Postcards have long been used in marketing businesses for the simple reason that they are versatile. Even though your budget is really tight, you can still easily squeeze in this card on your campaign. Startup and established businesses alike can take advantage of this simple […]

Putting Postcards in the Marketing Mix

For years, the postcards have become one of the trusted marketing tools of businesses. But with the introduction of social media, email marketing, and online ads, it seems that these humble cards have somehow lost their appeal. A lot of businesses these days prefer to send electronic mail when communicating with their clients and customers. […]

The Great Things about Postcards

Just because your business is small doesn’t mean that you don’t need to market it. You have to understand that your competitions are doing their best to outshine you. They can be planning out marketing campaigns which will leave your business in the dust. Now, you can’t afford to loose your customers, right? Then make […]

Small Business Marketing: The Postcards and Business Cards

With competition getting harder and harder these days, you are probably looking for ways to be market your business best without emptying your pocket. Perhaps you have tried social media, email marketing, and online ads, but have found them less effective for your business. So, are there other strategies you can take advantage of? Are […]

Top Reasons to Invest In Catalog Printing

Just like any printed marketing material, color catalogs are very important for your business. Even as online shopping is getting more and more popular, catalog printing can still provide several advantages. Here are some of the reasons why you catalogs deserve a place in your marketing campaigns and why they are worth your time and […]