More About the Author "vivoderm123"

Author Nick: vivoderm123
Name: vivoderm123 vivoderm123
About the Author: Vivoderm is now focus on using more Acne cream for Anti aging facial products.

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Skin Tone and Your Skin Health

What is SKIN TONE and why does it matter when choosing skincare products? Most women know their skin tone matters when choosing clothing or color palettes for makeup, such as foundation, eye shadow or lipstick. But knowing your true skin tone also plays a direct role your skin health and will aid in choosing which […]

Summer Skin Care Rules

Summer is finally here and as the seasons change so should your skin care. Below are skin care rules to follow for your best complexion all summer long. Revive Your Skin Winter’s cold, dry air and indoor heating really take a toll on the skin. Revive dry, tired, dull-looking skin with nutrient-rich serums and moisturizers. […]