More About the Author "webchick"

Author Nick: webchick
Name: Ruth Butters
About the Author: I provide information on a variety of health and fitness topics.

Articles by webchick :

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Lychee Ices – The Perfect Romantic Dessert

Looking for a sweet, delicious, and exotic dessert that’s actually good for you? Consider Lychee Ices. They’re fast and simple to make, and they’re the perfect final course for a romantic dinner for two. Lychee fruit is a relative newcomer in the west, but it has been grown and enjoyed throughout Asia for centuries. Originally […]

Pomegranates – Anti Aging Miracle Fruit?

Is there really a fruit that can prevent aging? Maybe not. But the pomegranate comes close. Pomegranates, native to the middle east but now grown in tropical climates throughout the world, have a lot going for them: they’re exotic, nutritious, high in flavor and low in calories. A medium-sized pomegranate delivers vitamins C and A, […]

Kumquats – Sweet And Sour And Oh-So-Good

What’s sweet on the outside, sour on the inside, and delicious all over? The answer is kumquats – bright and beautiful little citrus-type fruits that look like miniature oranges, but have a unique flavor all their own. Kumquats (also sometimes spelled cumquats) are native to China, where they’re a symbol of prosperity that is traditionally […]

Three Diet-Friendly Christmas Cookie Recipes

Cookies are as much a part of Christmas as lights on the tree. But for anyone watching their fat and calorie intake, that platter of beautifully decorated treats can be a diet disaster. The solution? Try lower calorie cookies that won’t wreak havoc on your eating plan. Here are three healthy and delicious no-sugar cookie […]

Tips For Successful Phone Conversations With The Hearing Impaired

Amplified telephones can go a long way toward making phone conversations easier for people with hearing loss, but there are many aspects of communication they simply can’t address. Ultimately, the success of the conversation depends largely on the person at the other end of the call. Hearing impairment is a complex and very individual condition, […]