More About the Author "webmantra"

Author Nick: webmantra

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An Overview of the Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration or SBA is a United State government agency that works independently to protect the interests of small businesses and provide them a chance to receive fair percentage of all possible government contracts. The aim of this federal government organization is to assist small and unprivileged business owners in receiving different government programs […]

8a Certification Application Process

For small business entrepreneurs, getting loans for the development of their businesses is extremely essential. However, there are quite a few number of small business loan rates offered by the U.S. SBA to help socially or economically disadvantaged small businesses. This option is only available for businesses that are owned or operated by women, minority […]

2010 is about to bring many changes in the SBA 8a program!

SBA 8a, as we all know is an extremely beneficial certification program that enables economically or socially disadvantaged businesses to obtain different federal contracts and other preferences. This certification is extremely important for small businesses and helps in its growth and development in every possible way. However, obtaining an 8a Certification is a process that […]

Tampa DUI and Florida Suspension Laws

Tampa DUI law has nothing extra or different from the sate DUI law (Florida). The law, in every city across the state follows the same guideline and course of punishment.  Drunk driving laws of Florida, and that of Tampa, prohibit individuals to drive any kind of vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs […]

Shocking Facts of DUI

Seattle DUI lawyers, like any other state DUI lawyers put in as much effort as possible to defend their DUI convicted clients. Since drinking is a very common practice in USA, hundreds of DUI cases are filed everyday throughout the country. Seattle, Washington is no exception in having such cases. However, before learning about the […]