More About the Author "wendybutler"

Author Nick: wendybutler

Articles by wendybutler :

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Grant Money For College: A Boon For Students With Financial Needs

Grant money for college can be a godsend for students who cannot afford to pay for a college education. A study grant is a sum of money that is provided to a college student to help to meet at least a part of the college expenses. Grants do not have to be repaid and they […]

Coty UK Value Chain

Coty UK is a leading Wholesale and Distribution Company specialized in perfumes and beauty products. Effective value chain is important for Coty UK as it influences all operations and logistics of the company. Effective organizational performance depends upon value chain and allocation of resources.

Snows Of Kilimanjaro

Death is definite! No one can deny the death. However, the scenes portrayed in the short story by Hemingway “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” have displayed a very different dying viewpoint. The slow transition of life to death is beautifully portrayed in the story scene by scene.

Technology And Law

Technology has been in regular expansion and renewal. It has been difficult to determine its pace or its extent. As every other expanding substance, its growth also needs to be checked to not allow it to become a curse for the community. There has to be an organization, atop that can hinder its entrance at places where it is prohibited. One of such places is the privacy of the people.

Models Of The Family In Modern Societies

The book Models Of The Family In Modern Societies: Ideals And Realities by Catherine Hakim discusses problems and changes affected modern families, and concentrates on the European type of a family. The book is based on surveys collected in two European countries, Britain and Spain.