More About the Author "whelanpro"

Author Nick: whelanpro
Name: Chris Whelan
About the Author: Chris Whelan is Licensed Strata & Community Manager at Whelan Property Group Pvt, Ltd, has years of experience in the marketing and trading strata property industries. His online and offline knowledge regarding strata management property and schemes makes him a great resource for strata management property dealings.

Articles by whelanpro :

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Equity for buying strata property investment

Equity is a loan, which is a secured funding investment against any of your own largest asset. It also helps to be fund in many different ways of investments either being security, shares or through capital expenditures. When you are thinking about securing your equity loan on investment try for collecting more equity collateral because […]

Strata property investment advantages

Unlike other investments, strata property investment is more secure and the most interesting thing is that it won’t fluctuate with the world economy fluctuations. Like shares strata management services won’t depreciate its values in every fluctuations and become less than the purchase price. Strata property investments are at lower risk and if you have the […]

Commercial strata management growths

The strata property Sydney sector is looking stronger in this coming year. Analysts are predicting much more growth expectations from the property market research. Whether it is commercial or residential strata management, growth will be visualize in both the sectors but mostly commercial growth is showing more positive growths in this coming year. However, 12.5 […]

Social networking for strata management services

Business marketing through social networking is the latest trend adopted by world over companies for their lucrative online presence. Google, Face book, Twitter and YouTube etc are some of the demanding social networks, where everyone is interested to open an account. Here we are discussing the importance of the social networking sites in the strata […]

Buy your strata management property

In a big city how much one earns most of his /her earning goes on rental basis if one doesn’t have his/her own house or property. Buying a home or strata property will save lots of amounts for you. Along with saving your money it will also help you to live in your own way […]