More About the Author "williamfgabriel"

Author Nick: williamfgabriel
Name: William Gabriel
About the Author: A writer in love with knowledge and hope that this articles will help people.

Articles by williamfgabriel :

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Lanyards and Badge Holders: Great Accessories for Travelers

“Back in the day”, men and women could travel the friendly skies without ever having to fear criminal or terrorist activities. Unfortunately, those golden days are gone, and now have come the days of baggage searches, body searches, invasive x-ray machines, grabby airport security, and the suspicious eyes of everyone on board with you. Not […]

The Ultimate Showdown: Ribbon vs. Beaded Lanyards

Since the very beginning of civilization, men and women have been trying to invent ways to improve their clothing in practical yet fashionable ways. What began with just two fig leaves worn for practical use, has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry, and the fashion future is bright. When you consider the amount of imagination, […]

Reel Important Security Measures: Work Place ID Security

Everyone has seen a movie or TV show episode in which the ID thief “accidentally” bumps into the target and silently and stealthily relieves them of their work security ID. Believe it or not, it actually happens. People in many high security settings are losing their work security IDs through smart and deceitful means—but that […]

Reel in the School Spirit with Badge Reels and Lanyards!

Your high school football team is the best, the greatest, the most incredible high school football team ever—even though they haven’t won a game all season. Despite their lack of wins they are still winners to you. You have school spirit, yes you do, and everyone else in the school could use some too! Yes, […]

Giving Your School a Beaded Boost: A New Idea for Booster Club Fundraisers

The American high school is a melting pot of cultures, income levels, ideas, motivations, class levels, and fashion. Believe it or not, high school is the one place many people look when it comes to emerging fashions and styles; where the young go, the world tends to follow. When you’re looking for a great and […]