More About the Author "williamfgabriel"

Author Nick: williamfgabriel
Name: William Gabriel
About the Author: A writer in love with knowledge and hope that this articles will help people.

Articles by williamfgabriel :

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What Is The Fastest Way To Cut A Large Hole?

You have heard the old expression that “Time is money!” In the economy of today everybody is looking for the fast way to do things for less. Many people are willing to compromise quality for quantity. If the job can be done faster many people do not care if the project is of less quality. […]

The Value of the Metal Hole Saw

If you had a new computer with the very latest in technology and ingenuity but you did not understand anything about the wonderful machine sitting in front of you, would your computer be used to its full potential? Would this awesome machine accomplish the purpose for which it was built? The answer is most likely […]

The History of the Tap and Die

Many metalworkers, DIY enthusiasts and mechanics use the tap and die on a regular basis. Many are familiar with its uses and potential. However, few people have ever heard the history behind such a wonderful tool. As with the invention of most every tool, the tap and die was invented out of necessity. If you […]

Do I Only Need One Drill Bit For The Job?

In the day and time we are living in now, people are learning to consolidate and do more with less. It is simply amazing what a professional carpenter can construct with just a circular saw and a hammer. When it comes to drilling holes, is there really any way to eliminate the need for carrying […]

How to Perfect Holes in Metal

So, you want a hole that is perfect but despite everything you have tried the hole is just the smallest of a fraction different than what you need. Conventional drill bits can only get so close. A metal hole saw does good as well but it is generally used for holes of a larger diameter. […]