More About the Author "woooo"

Author Nick: woooo
Name: Xiaoxiao Liu
About the Author: I am a prett boy.

Articles by woooo :

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Hongxing Hammer Crusher with Two Shafts

The double-shaft hammer crusher researched by Hongxing Machinery is mainly used in the cement industry for the comminution of soft and medium-hard, but also moist and tough materials such as Limestone, Gypsum, Chalk, Clay and Marl, as well as Lignite and Pit Coal. The crushing of the feed material is effected by percussion, impact and […]

Tips of Enhancing the Drying Efficiency

Specializing in the production of dryer machine, Hongxing Machinery analyzes the method of improving the drying efficiency tips: (1) experienced users know all use the drying machine, the roller speed limit is very low, drying machine which can improve the material and hot air exposure times, thereby improving the drying efficiency; (2) should be used […]

Green Tyre Gets Huge Investment in China

In recent times, China has put great investment in building the biggest base to produce the anti-wear agent of tires with the help of dryer machine. What’s far more, China has exceptional benefits of rare earth. Both of these conditions supply special benefits for China to turn into the worldwide base of green tires in […]

Make a Rock Crusher with your Own Hand

Building your own rock crusher really isn’t that difficult, but you’ll likely need a welder to do it. First, I will discuss several different types of small scale rock crushers, and how they work. One common primitive rock crusher is the arrastra, a device which has been used by miners for centuries. An arrastra is […]

Get Valuable Gold from black Sand

Gold is often found associated with the mineral quartz. It is sometimes associated with other minerals as well, including iron and manganese oxides, calcite, pyrite and other sulfides as well. It is not uncommon for prospectors, especially those who operate metal detectors, to find a rich gold bearing specimens of ore. Sometimes the best use […]