More About the Author "wursti"

Author Nick: wursti
Name: George Peterson
About the Author: I love to write about pretty much anything, so if you take a look at my articles you will learn a lot of new information.

Articles by wursti :

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Air Conditioning System for Your Home

An air conditioner is an important device to be installed in a residential home. This has become a necessity to many parts of the country and even in other countries. Due to the presence of the sun, there is nothing you can do to avoid heat. During summer, it is possible for a particular region […]

Family Holiday – Adventures and Activities

Family holidays shouldn’t be frustrating and annoying for the family members, but this seems often to be the case. This happens because most of the time the differences in the understandings and preferences and mostly the difference in age lead to misunderstandings and conflicts among the family. Though a holiday is supposed to be relaxing […]

Sun Exposure – The Good and The Bad Facts

Most people believe that all sun rays are harmful.The ultraviolet rays of the sun provide the human body with vitamin D.Some people stay out of the sun because of UV rays which can be harmful to the skin. However,avoiding sunlight altogether can cause health problems.People who don’t have enough vitamin D in their bodies can […]