More About the Author "xiaohe"

Author Nick: xiaohe

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Number of measures to expand domestic demand to help clear PCB to a new level

Recently, the expansion of domestic demand was finally clear, this year the Ministry of Commerce will take a number of complementary policy measures to push for expanded domestic demand and promoting consumption of five major tasks, including the expansion of hot consumption, expand rural consumption, expansion of service consumption, the expansion cycle consumption, and expansion […]

Small appliances 100 000 000 000 "cheese" Why forgotten?

  Water heaters, microwave ovens, range hoods, these life difficult even for a moment from the small home appliances, has long been shrouded in TVs , Refrigerators and other "large" shadow, seems to be forgotten in the corner. Recent data suggest that the long-neglected market will reach 100 billion yuan in 2007, domestic electrical appliances […]

China's e

The Chinese government issued a new proposed Electronic Infineon Technologies AG passport use secure microcontroller. Infineon has announced that the company recently began e-passport project to China?? The world's two largest one of the electronic passport?? Provide the necessary security Chip . Since the first quarter of 2010, all new passports issued in China will […]

Air flow sensor, etc. About five cars with sensors

Car Sensor A car computer system input devices, which run the car in various conditions of information, such as speed, temperature of various media, Engine Operating conditions, etc. into the computer lost the telecommunications number to the engine in top working condition. Many vehicle sensors to determine when the sensor malfunction should not only consider […]

The Miniature Killer

Modus operandi The key signature of the Miniature Killer crimes were meticulous scale models built to reflect each crime scene. The models were either left at the murder site or delivered to someone involved in solving the case. Every detail was accurate, and even used the victim’s real blood instead of paint. Every model also […]