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RIAA equalization – china first aid splint – waist seal and girdle manufacturer

The RIAA curve RIAA equalization is a form of preemphasis on recording, and deemphasis on playback. A record is cut with the low frequencies reduced and the high frequencies boosted, and on playback the opposite occurs. The result is a flat frequency response, but with noise such as hiss and clicks arising from the surface […]

In 2009, the semiconductor lighting industry to "Gold Rush" – china Ba

Shijiazhuang Information Industry Base Construction Phase one of the highlights?? The 13th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Semiconductor Lighting Project Industrialization smoothly now with mass production of the initial capacity of 2008 sales revenue of nearly 60 million element. This year, related to the semiconductor business will further accelerate the lighting industry, "Gold […]

Liming Heavy Industry Effects of sand making a pioneer in water sector – china f

Liming Heavy Industry launched 5X series of high centrifugal impact crusher that (5X series sand making machine) is broken the perfect combination of technology and machinery, 5X series sand making the introduction of sand and gravel production in China will further promote the development of technology and equipment to improve aggregate system design level, to […]

Stamping Process: the crowning touch to the painting for the cigarette packaging

Stamping foil and packaging industry with the rapid development of hot stamping foil used more and more widely. If: book cover gilt, gilt gift boxes, garment boxes trademarks and gilt, greeting cards, invitations, pens, hot stamping, etc., especially in cigarette packaging printing processes, hot stamping process is widely used. HC screen Special Indian network Stamping […]

Culinary theatre – china medical bellyband – limbs retainer splint manufacturer

Culinary theatre refers to the creation or enhancement of a spectacle during the service of food and beverages. This form of theatrics aims to excite or even entertain the diner, patron or customer, usually without affecting the flavour of the food(s) and/or beverage(s) to be consumed. In its simplest form, this may include candles and/or […]