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Author Nick: xiaohe50f

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Lack of textile machinery textile related standards direction to the multi- – me

"For the textile machinery industry is certainly an opportunity." When a reporter asked the textile industry, textile machinery to bring about opportunities in the textile machinery industry, the China Textile Machinery Association, vice chairman Zhu Xianmin said the textile industry needs to develop, through elimination of outdated equipment, update the advanced new device, is also […]

EU environmental directives countdown two companies mixed – home appliances, the

  The upcoming July 1, the EU RoHS Directive within the European Union will all production and sales of electromechanical products to enforce, if you do not meet the requirements, will be swept out of the EU market. This is following the January 1, 2006 the EU WEEE directive into effect after another on Chinese […]

Fake magic very birth of new anti-counterfeiting technologies – Magic Ting, secu

In recent years, with the Eve of the show "very magic" of selling, counterfeiting problem has become acute. The Internet, a large number of counterfeit goods is and Society. In the search engine, enter "magic quite" will search a large number of the official website name of all kinds of banner or factory direct website. […]

Ancient art – medical cushion manufacturer – limbs guard manufacturer

Africa Morocco The earliest figurine the Venus of Tan-Tan discovered to date originated somewhere between 500,000 and 300,000 BCE, during the Middle Acheulean period. Discovered in Morocco, it is about 6 centimeters long. Evidence suggests that this Moroccan piece may have been created by natural geological processes with a minimum of human tool-work, but the […]

Energy saving solar water heaters have been repeatedly blocked why – water heate

Inexhaustible solar energy is the country to encourage the use of clean energy. However, Shijiazhuang, Hebei's recent interview to find the number of new residential property companies in the overall aesthetic impact of housing, damaged the roof of the ground water level does not allow owners to install solar water heaters. Experts believe that the […]