More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

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Zhuji hardware company exports 50% of the first half of negative growth – hardware, hardware companies, metal products – Metal industry

From January to June, the city Textile Products Clothing Exports 766 million U.S. dollars, up 10.8%. Reporter learned from the Municipality, during the first half of this year, the city's total imports and exports 1.856 billion U.S. dollars, down 12.6%. Exports 1.432 billion U.S. dollars, down 9.9%, export volume ranks No. 8 the province; imported […]

Baby brand of profits and an embarrassing turn domestic exports to earn a living – baby, children's home – Household products industry

Baby supplies market special is that profits are too high and channels exist, and is part of the profits of manufacturing low profit distribution industry as a whole developed and unreasonable, is a vicious circle, thus endangering the quality and safety . HC Home Products Network "First half of 2008, we received 30,000 yuan initial […]

Solve the electrostatic problem of screen printing – screen printing, electrostatic – silk screen printing industry, especially

Screen printing is used in printing conductive materials have increased substantially. Some frequently used printers conductive printing material must be very clear on the importance of controlling static electricity. Understanding of electrical knowledge, master the static sense, know how to avoid or reduce static electricity, will be to improve print quality. Typically, humidity, grounding, static […]

Age-related macular degeneration: the higher the age the greater the risk – the pharmaceutical industries

Fundus examination by a doctor to determine whether patients suffering from macular degeneration, and then by fundus fluorescein angiography to determine the nature of macular degeneration. The current treatment of the disease is relatively more difficult. A person without a good vision, quality of life impossible. Age-related macular degeneration Is a serious impact on vision […]

Standard door locks market a new standard in China Information – Hardware knowledge – Hardware Industry

Our new standards issued locks in June 2000, implemented in October 2000. National standard of the original locks with 4. (Including the GB8385-97 "exterior door"; GB8386-87 "marble mortise lock"; GB8387-"leaf mortise lock" and GB8388-87 "Ball Lock" in March 1999 to convert to QB / T3837-1999, QB/T3838-1999, QB/T3839-1999 and QB/T3840-1999) promulgated in 1988, but, with the […]