More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

Articles by xiaohe73564 :

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Analysis: Development of real estate will battle Phi green Green Building – Green Building – Smart Home Industry

Dec. 19 at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark concluded. The leaders of 119 countries around the world and the United Nations and its specialized agencies and organizations were present at the meeting. The conference reflects the human response to global climate change in the course of difficulties. Pollution in big real […]

Pharmaceutical Packaging composite membrane technical features – technical, complex film, medical packaging – pharmaceutical industries

Drugs is a special commodity, Pharmaceutical Packaging Composite film as a direct contact with the pharmaceutical packaging materials, in addition to the special requirements of management, at the technical level, there are many differences. 1. Pharmaceutical packaging composite film features in the product standards 2002, promulgated the "Regulations for the Implementation of the PRC Drugs […]

International Solar Energy Technology Research Institute to promote solar energy industry – solar energy – heat pump industry

HC Heat Pump Network November 16, 2009, the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) President Monica? Aolifente in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China announced that Emperor Ming in the Academia Sinica, on the basis of solar energy group to form the world's first "International Solar Energy Technology Research Institute" for the international solar energy technological exchanges […]

Terri clean design perfect for your whole house water purification system solutions – water purifiers, water softeners, water machine – the environmental protection industry

Health Need to balance, if the maximum balance of the body – water balance problems, is the greatest threat to health and life. Water is the most common, ordinary people hardly have forgotten it. However, the world can not do without it, human life and health can not do without it. It is special, it […]

Loss of small body forces do not fully resolve automotive turbocharger technology – automobiles, turbo-charged, and Technology – Automotive repair and maintenance industry

When the more serious environmental problems, people often first think of how air pollution has disappeared, but the cost of doing so is very great, so also there are cars Market On those mixed Power The price of a car than a high. In fact, before the appearance of these hybrid-type major car manufacturers have […]