More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

Articles by xiaohe73564 :

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Data recovery

Recovering data after physical damage A wide variety of failures can cause physical damage to storage media. CD-ROMs can have their metallic substrate or dye layer scratched off; hard disks can suffer any of several mechanical failures, such as head crashes and failed motors; tapes can simply break. Physical damage always causes at least some […]

Gift Expo selected rice paper fan

Recently, Gift Expo – rice paper fans began to declare the city in Jing County of Anhui Province Soochow fan manufacturing plant. Gift Expo fan of these rice paper to a total of more than 1,200 custom, positive images for the Shanghai World Expo emblem, mascot and the China Pavilion. On the back of the […]

Jilin Consumers Association issued a warning: please change the gas stove

"Home Gas stoves A standard "implementation of clear direction for product transformation will help advance the industry as a whole, conducive to consumer safety. To this end, Jilin Consumers Association to issue consumer alerts?? 5 1st implementation of the "gas cookstove with a standard" for the people by the attention. Industry experts point out, the […]

Shoe industry: surface fire to conceal the vicious competition inherent disease

Into the shop from the street Lanhuo to operate and then to chain development, shoe industry, once red-hot scenes gave its investors a lot of envy. However, the recent closing of some shoeshine, transfer, the membership cards are also frequent complaints. Many people question: the rapid growth of this industry has to end? Today's survey […]

Indicates that the risk of inflation pressure of RMB appreciation

Although the August CPI, PPI data has not been announced, but the decline trend narrow almost certain. In addition to the asset bubble in stock and property markets, the recent domestic water, electricity, gas and other public goods prices, raw material price increases pressure, led by pork and eggs rising agricultural prices, the market rose […]