More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

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Opinion poll

History The first known example of an opinion poll was a local straw poll conducted by The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian in 1824, showing Andrew Jackson leading John Quincy Adams by 335 votes to 169 in the contest for the United States Presidency. Such straw votes gradually became more popular, but they remained local, usually city-wide phenomena. […]


Research While most of the research performed on ballotechnics originates from Sandia National Laboratories, the researchers involved primarily focus on chemical and simulation research, not nuclear weapons research. Other research has been performed at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Possible applications Ballotechnics are a controversial topic in arms control, where it is claimed they may […]

Song Kun Gang: From crisis to confidence in China's dairy industry – dairy products, milk – Food Industry

2008 years in China Dairy Thrilling year, melamine incident has the reputation of the entire industry suffered a serious crisis, a sharp decline in the domestic market, almost all enterprises fall into extreme distress. October 3, 2008, that after the incident, the first 22 days, according to the country in 25 provinces and autonomous regions […]

"Inventory adjustment" is the top priority of macro adjustment and printing industry – to the stocks of printing – Printing Industry

Global Financial The impact of the crisis on the printing industry goes without saying that the reduction of traffic, cost-effective in the fall. In reducing tariffs on imports of equipment, increase export tax rebate rate, relaxation of credit to SMEs such as a series of policies to help enterprises out of difficulties. But the capacity […]

"Dangerous gas stoves" absolutely forbidden without causing concern to the industry – gas stoves, kitchen appliances, embedded gas stove – HC Network Appliance Industry-hc360

Gathering place in the production of gas stoves, Guangdong Foshan, Shunde and other places, some small manufacturers, are illegal production is not self-closing device installed leak embedded gas stove, or even to install the fake flame sensor pin to deceive the public, to the consumer who planted a significant security risk. As Guangdong Foshan, Shunde, […]