More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

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Incorporated interesting and fun toys – Toys, Storage – Toys

Toys teaching children not only to foster children enrolled in the discipline and coordination, systematic planning, admission method and use some features of the storage appliances, but also add fun and color for the home. Kids toys up, grass is always greener tomorrow, today bought, parents continue to buy, our home mountains of toys, "chaotic" […]

ITT semi-centralized sewage treatment response to China's water crisis – sewage treatment, ITT-water industries

China Southwest Region Drought Affect many people's hearts. Water, that we can not avoid the daily diet, and again to remind us how important it is. Recently, the reporter an exclusive interview in Beijing, ITT's chairman, Steve? Mr. Luo Lanjie, he said: China is the most important water issues are at the center of water […]

Export of electromechanical products green cross in the past, but around the threshold

EU to push forward, two-instruction, in addition to restrictions on exports of electrical products in China, but also hides a more long-term strategy: to force the Chinese mechanical and electrical enterprises to adopt the EU's new technology, new materials, so that Chinese companies into a new one of the "OEM" position. Frequently in the international […]

After the Olympics Li Ning and Nike shoe of what the gap? – Nike, Li Ning – footwear industry

HC shoe web with map HC shoe net July 17 Nike point of view Who? I am afraid that no one do not know the fashion world, "Komagari hook" Li Ning Who? Some people may have been in China do not know, however, the image of Li Ning's spokesperson Mr. Li Ning in the Olympic […]

Coca-Cola China's largest production base settled in Luohe – Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Luohe – Food Industry

As the world's largest Beverage company One Coca-Cola Company 14 years ago, and Henan in the fates got tied. In 1996, the delicious Coke Invested 18 million U.S. dollars to set up production base in Zhengzhou?? Zhengzhou Swire Coca-Cola Beverages Limited. And the Coca-Cola in hand once again Chinese Food Luohe city, showing that the […]