More About the Author "xiaohe73564"

Author Nick: xiaohe73564

Articles by xiaohe73564 :

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Low-grade formaldehyde adhesive excessive need for environmental labeling certification – formaldehyde, adhesives, decoration pollution – Building Materials Industry

Order to create a comfortable living environment, family started to pay attention more and more housing Decoration . However, some people lack the experience of home improvements, resulting in fitting into the zone, leaving a lot of hidden dangers. Renovated some of the quality of the surface appear easy and resolve, but some hidden hazards, […]

National Grid to deploy smart grid plate good? – National Grid, Smart Grid – Electrical Industry

States Home Appliances The full deployment of a strong network of smart grid work in 2010 Xinhua 2 3: According to the SASAC website news, Feb. 2, at the meeting of the State Grid Corporation in 2010 working conference on smart grid firm, vice president of State Grid Corporation, the military stressed that party members […]

Zhejiang out samples of 200 years of coal saving energy saving 2.26 million tons – Zhejiang, energy – the environmental protection industry

Record high international oil, coal, electricity prices one after another, monetary tightening … … how do? Recently, nearly 200 gathered to do cement Zhejiang West Lake, to discuss Energy Mitigation and business investment, financing and other issues. Use of waste heat power generation, waste recycling Energy Emission reduction measures as the highlight. China Cement Net, […]

Foreign iron ore negotiations, the "China model" different response – iron ore negotiations, steel – iron and steel industry

10 17, The Ninth International Symposium in Qingdao Iron and Steel raw materials end. At the meeting, Chinese representatives?? Secretary-General of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, China alone is still thrown Iron ore price Negotiations "China model", and before the seminar Iron ore Giant released the "prices 30% -35%" tit for tat sound of […]

Protection plus sterilization is not an easy car cleaning and maintenance – vehicle maintenance – vehicle repair and maintenance industry

People who drive will find: Feet on the shells off the slightest soot, stains horizontal seat surface, under the side door inside the Parti shoe soles, instrument panel and roof of the misty dust. How to solve the car interior cleaning and maintenance? Beauty experts, automotive interior parts cleaning and maintenance is not easy to […]