More About the Author "xiaohe7376"

Author Nick: xiaohe7376

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Shanghai, China Mold Industry Development Analysis

Wuhan, NC Pilot Association was informed that from the mold: Mold is the basis for industrial production processes and equipment, in the national economy plays an important role in the development of mold technology has become a national industrial standard to measure an important landmark. Shanghai mold industry has a solid foundation, though highly setbacks, […]

Fuji Xerox Sustainability Report 2009 released

2009 9 30, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. released the "Sustainable Development Report 2009" (English version * 1), the report summarizes the Fuji Xerox and its affiliated companies in fiscal 2008 in the corporate social responsibility achievements, the Chinese version released on October 5. Fuji Xerox Sustainability Report 2009, to "social harmony" as the theme, introduced […]

"Stones in children," parents will sue on the Dumex

Top Recommended:   "Dumex milk powder caused by stones," the latest reported incident Shanghai Bureau of Quality Supervision 13 afternoon announced its official website Dumex Milk test report, the result that products are free from Dumex Melamine . But yesterday, a number of "stones in children," parents interviewed, said that no melamine does not mean […]

Ministry of Health: down next year, the amount denied iodized salt iodization di

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health responded to the media recently proposed the "iodine excess" of the question. Ministry of Health said the reduction will be due next year, the current Salt Iodine content, while the Ministry of Health believes that there is some kind of thyroid disease associated with salt iodization inference lack of strong […]

Expansion continues unabated escalation of the Central Plains competitive home a

2008 first half, the Central Plains Home Appliances Market smoke, "that feature, lack of innovation." As the operator of consumer durable goods appliances retail industry, having gone through one round of the consumption peak, the next to go where? Central Plains home appliance chain on the market situation and strategy of dialysis operations, we try […]