More About the Author "yuqing005"

Author Nick: yuqing005
Name: dsa DsafdsaD
About the Author: DFASDF

Articles by yuqing005 :

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They gained ten feet as a saint of

The great light, the dazzle, the glitter, the incessant movement of the mirages, the shining of the mock suns, all these created an impression of heat, of light, of the pleasantness of a warmed land. Yet still persisted, only modified by the sun, the cold of the northern winter. And this denial of appearance sufficed […]

It became luminous

From time to time, thereafter, the snow fell. On the mere fact of their persistence it had litle effect; but it clogged their snow-shoes, it wore them down. A twig tripped them; and the efforts of all three were needed to aid one to rise. A dozen steps were all they could accomplish without rest; […]

convinced of his safety

The storm lightened and faint streaks of light shot through the clouds. "Well, let’s be moving," said Sam. "Moving where?" demanded Dick, bitterly. But the old man led forward the hound. "Remember the lake where we lost the track of that Chippewa?" he inquired. "Well, a foot of light snow is nothing. Mush on, Mack!" […]

very black eyes and hair

When next Bob was able to visit the Upper Camp, he found Thorne fully established. He rode in from the direction of Rock Creek, and so through the pasture and by the back way. In the tiny potato and garden patch behind the house he came upon a woman wielding a hoe. Her back was […]

still have just the job you have now

"What!" cried the old man rising to his feet; "stay here in the Service! And every mountain man to point me out as that old fool Davidson who got fired after workin’ nine years like a damn ijit. You talk foolish!" Thorne arose too, and put one hand on the old man’s shoulder. "And what […]