More About the Author "zazous"

Author Nick: zazous
Name: nick Austin
About the Author: Zazous are online retailers of wall stickers, wallpaper murals, furniture, lighting, contemporary vinyl flooring, tableware, textiles and accessories for the modern home. Fashion-forward, highly individual designs that create striking interiors.

Articles by zazous :

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I Want New Decorating Ideas

You’ve trawled the high street and the internet (all of it, mind!) but nothing gets you going. It used to be so easy; a lick of paint, some new cushions and voila! Your decorating itch was scratched for another few months, but like some kind of desperate interior design junkie you need more and greater highs to satisfy the hunger. Well, […]

How Do I Stick Self Adhesive Vinyl Floor Tiles?

When laying self adhesive vinyl floor tiles , the quality of the finish is entirely dependent on the quality of the preparation work you’ve put in. It’s not difficult, self adhesive vinyl tiles are designed to be a DIY product but if you cut corners, eventually it will show and you’ll regret it. You will […]

Wall Stickers – Trump Your Friends

My so called friend has trumped me once again. If the copying is unbearable then the fact that she ends up with better results makes me want to scream. We’ve been playing a corrosive game of one-upmanship using interior design as an instrument of war. And with what methods have we been battling? “Stickers for […]

Wall Stickers – Taking You Places

“Say, kid” The man in the hat levelled his gun at me and squinted through the smoke curling up from the cigarette clamped between his teeth. I said nothing, the man was clearly insane – I’ll be forty next year and this was East Kent in the twenty first century not Nineteen Forties L.A. “Are […]

Wall Stickers – They’ll Come From Far and Wide

“I have journeyed across many dimensions to see this” said the form in front of me. It was hard to establish exactly what it was I was looking at as it seemed to blink in and out of existence and its boundaries were hard to discern but one thing was certain, this pan-dimensional being was […]