Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Rock Steady Web Solutions with Inshore Operations

Now that American companies have had a taste of the bitter realityof offshore outsourcing operations, the corporate world is returning home to seek onshore alternatives. These companies have been helpless witnesses to ruthless revenue losses and their businesses have been dangling precariously almost to the point of destruction. Disgruntlement has also been simmering at home […]

The battle of the LED televisions VS LCD televisions

I am definitely an avid TV watcher so I wanted to know who would win the battle of LED television VS LCD televisions. The winner of your LED television VS LCD television decision may be up to the way you want to mount your TV up as well. The thickness and weight of your new […]

Do you know what the difference is between an LED TV and LCD TV?

The LED TV swooped into the technology world as a new breed of television for us to watch. Now the only thing people needed to know was the difference in an LED TV and LCD TV. The LED TV is basically just a fancy LCD TV. The difference is the way the LCD panels are […]

The best Samsung LED LCD HDTV – Take your TV viewing to a whole new dimension

I have been working with TVs for over 10 years and when it comes to a Samsung LED LCD HDTV there are a bunch of options out there. So many that a lot of shoppers have a hard time picking the right model and end up spending way more money than they intended to. The […]

Are you sure you know which Samsung LED LCD TV is right for you

When you are out there picking out your new Samsung LED LCD TV there are a few models I have stumbled across in my profession that you should consider. I have been in the TV repair business for 9 years and before that I actually worked at a major TV retail store as a manager. […]