Archive for the "Technology" Category


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HTC Rezound Contract: Get your dream gadget at affordable terms

The new HTC Rezound, perfect combination style and substance, is an admirable mobile gadget that everyone strives to owe. However, the sky scraping price of the handset is the only obstacle that impedes your way towards the handy gadget of your desire. If you are among those who desire to own this exclusive mobile gadget […]

Importance of Dedicated Servers in India

There are various reasons for which an individual, enterprise or a business house often decides to utilize a dedicated server to host their web portals. Dedicated server hosting offer numerous advantages to a hosting client or end user based on their specific requirements and the website performance. Why is dedicated server hosting preferred? Dedicated servers […]

Leading Solutions in IT Compliance and Security

IT Security and compliance is not only about CIOs and security managers implementing anti-malware and firewall systems in order to secure their data and information systems, but also includes comprehensive requirements relating to privacy and information security on the procedural aspects. The regulatory environment is getting more complex with the Governments taking a stern approach. […]

Enterprise Application Integration Development

Enterprise application integration has always been a challenge, and with the surfacing of new technologies for hosting infrastructure, platform and software across locations integration has become even more demanding and complex. Business needs are constantly changing and the traditional application integration methods do not meet arising challenges, thereby bringing out threats to the agility of […]

Mobile Phones – Select the one which suits your personality

In this fast and modern world one should have Mobile Phones for their safety and security purpose. As apart from fun activities it is very helpful in all the ways. It can be used by all the age groups. It depends on the age of the user that which kind or type of mobile phone […]