Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reverse Phone Lookup

The ability to perform a reverse phone lookup on a phone number, thus obtaining the name and address on that person, is a great technological perk. Often it is quick and easy, and it is usually carries a small charge. Believe it or not, there are downfalls as well. As with most technological advances, the […]

Manufacturing ERP Solutions- A Boon to SMBs

The business environment today demands a very aggressive attitude to face the competitive world. In such a scenario the most affected ones are generally the small and mid sized business sectors. Unlike the business giants, these SMBs face a number of challenges like customer demands, cost control, effective management of resources and expansion of business, […]

Why Is an iPhone Repair so Costly?

One of the problems iPhone users commonly face in their use of the device is the high costs of repairs and maintenance in general – if your iPhone breaks down and you’re out of warranty or the damage can’t be covered by that warranty, you should set yourself up for paying quite a bit to […]

DIY iPhone Glass Repair

An iPhone is a bit of a costly purchase to begin with – so it can feel really stingy to learn that you have to pay a proportionally large amount of money for an official repair from Apple in case anything goes wrong that’s not covered by your warranty. However, instead of pouring money into […]

What’s an iPhone Digitizer?

When it comes to repairing an iPhone, the most important thing is to be familiar with all of its components and know exactly what each one is for and what you can do to replace it when necessary. Often, the guys who know most about repairing an iPhone don’t have that knowledge based so much […]