Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Claiming Free of charge Games Systems And The Related information You Need.

How more often than not have you been requested from your little one for the most recently released games console? Most young children these day’s don’t perceive just how brilliant they have got it. All parents or guardians will see where I am coming from when your kids’ begs for the current must have computer […]

Types of Data Recovery

Considering the fact that data loss can happen in a hundred different ways, it’s only fair to assume that there are the same number of ways to recover it. Here are some less heard-of types of data recovery, Bare Metal Recovery Involving a backup of everything you have on your hard disk, this is by […]

What to do when Data Loss Occurs

In the event that you suffer data loss, these are some things you should try to do to make data recovery as easy as possible, 1. Try using the system only after the data recovery professional has given you the go-ahead. What happens most of the times is that people panic and start looking for […]

Wacky ways of dealing with data loss

There are two ways of doing anything: normal and crazy. The term ‘data recovery’ shows more than a million results in Google. Chances are, 99.9999% of the articles will tell you the normal way of recovering data. Well, here’s the article that’s one in a million, The top 3 wacky ways of recovering data: 1. […]

Data Recovery Dos and Don’ts

What’s the worst thing that can happen to a man who lives his life by the PC? You guessed it! Data Loss! So, what do we do to prevent this calamity and be sure that data recovery professionals will always be able to back you up? Read the Dos and Don’ts below! Do’s ? Back […]