Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Hearing Protection Attenuation – Get the Right Hearing Protection Devices

Noise-induced hearing loss is the most hazardous and common permanent occupational disease in industrialized countries. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), protection against the effects of noise exposure shall be provided when sound levels exceed 85 decibels. Many hearing conservation programs have been introduced to end highly preventable noise-induced hearing loss. Some […]

Learn to judge your SEO service provider

If you ask a typical SEO service providing company, “What is your USP?” – Mostly, the answer will be “Affordable SEO service”. Every next to you company are promoting their service packages by claiming them affordable and cheap SEO service provider. Well, it is accepted that in this competitive market, everyone wants to take advantage […]

The Modern Classroom and the Future of Learning

A lot of people will remember their school days involving wooden desks, ink wells and a single chalkboard at the front of the class. The most advanced form of technology in the classroom then may have been an overhead projector or slide projector but in today’s classrooms the scene will be completely different and something […]

Take Learning to a New Level with Interactive Whiteboards

Teaching is about engaging with students and not simply lecturing to them. Getting them to actually consider the ideas being discussed, and encouraging them to come up with questions on and around the topic. Making lessons enjoyable is vital when it comes to teaching people of any age – a bored student is watching the […]

Keep Your Students Engaged With an Interactive Whiteboard

Classroom technology has moved on considerably in the last few years, and people who were at school just a few years ago might well struggle to come to terms with how educational establishments have changed in order to integrate technology into school life. One example of this is interactive whiteboards. As little as ten years […]