Archive for the "Books and Literature" Category

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I couldn’t hold a grudge after that

"If her husband and son should come and apologize and say they were sorry, would you truly and honestly forgive them?" "Certainly!  I couldn’t hold a grudge after that.  What are you aiming at?" and he turned and looked inquiringly into her face. It was flushed and tearful in its eager, earnest interest. "Don’t you […]

I didn’t yield to her at all

Holcroft came and sat on the steps below her.  She kept her eyes on the landscape, for she was consciously enough on her guard now. "I rather guess you think, Alida, that you are looking at a better picture than any artist fellow could paint?" he remarked. "Yes," she replied hesitatingly, "and the picture seems […]

The old orchard back of the barn

The day grew warm, and having finished her tasks indoors and cared for the poultry, Alida brought a chair out in the porch.  Her eyes were dreamy with a vague, undefined happiness.  The landscape in itself was cause for exquisite pleasure, for it was an ideal day of the apple-blossoming period.  The old orchard back […]

all the more reason I should come

"That’s all past and gone," said Alida, smiling. "When Mr. Holcroft says anything, you may depend on it." "Well, God bless you for intercedin’–you had so much to forgive. Nobody shall ever speak a word against you again while I’ve got breath to answer.  I wish you’d let me come and see you sometimes." "Whenever […]

and she had received a wholesome lesson

"Yes, and I plead with you to forgive him.  Grant me my wish, James; I shall be so much happier, and so will you." "Well, Mrs. Weeks, now you know what kind of a woman your son came to insult.  You may tell your neighbors that there’s one Christian in Oakville.  I yield to Mrs. […]