Archive for the "Books and Literature" Category

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came up to nestle against him

"Is your patient ready for his supper?" she asked, smiling at the strange little figure. "I have been cooking it for him." The Gadfly stood up and rolled the dirty rags together. "I’m afraid we have made a terrible mess in your room," he said. "As for these, they had better go straight into the […]

Let us take the child in there

"Felice!" she exclaimed under her breath, "what HAVE you got there?" "I have picked up this child in the street. It is hurt and starving; and I want to get it home as quickly as possible. There is not a cab to be got anywhere, so I want to have your carriage." "Felice! you are […]

and spoke to an attendant

"That’s an ugly cut to give a mite like you," said the Gadfly, fastening his handkerchief round the wound to prevent the jacket from rubbing against it. "What did he do it with?" "The shovel. I went to ask him to give me a soldo to get some polenta at the corner shop, and he […]

shoulder and jacket were covered

Slowly and in dead silence she turned and walked on along the river side. During the whole evening it had not once occurred to her to connect his trouble, whatever it might be, with the variety show; and now that some dim picture of his inner life had been revealed to her by this sudden […]

I don’t think so

"I want to ask a favour of you; I want you to come for a walk with me." "Where to?" "Nowhere in particular; anywhere you like." "But what for?" He hesitated. "I–can’t tell you–at least, it’s very difficult; but please come if you can." He raised his eyes suddenly from the ground, and she saw […]