Archive for the "Books and Literature" Category

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but as there were no cotillons

They succeeded, for in general they were of vital stuff, but not in the intimately personal way they desired. Her nature found no thrill in experiment. One by one they gave her up in the favour of less attractive but livelier or more complaisant companions; but they continued to like her and to pay her […]

He must be something between them

"I can’t say he did, now you mention it. He’s one of those nice doggy people you don’t mind having around." They discussed the matter animatedly. Teeny McFarlane developed an unexpected obstinacy. She did not suggest that the young man was to be included in any of the future parties; indeed, she answered the direct […]

or social in this division

Occasionally rather elaborate lunches were brought, with servants to spread them; but the usual custom was to stop at one of the numerous road houses. No man drove, walked, or talked with his own wife; nevertheless, these affairs though rowdy, noisy, and "fast" enough, were essentially harmless. The respectable members of the community were sufficiently […]

whom were whispered furtive

Often, especially at first, Keith in an impulse would throw over his plans, and ask her to go to the theatre or a concert, of which there were many and excellent. She generally declined, not because she did not want to go, but because of that impelling desire, universal in the feminine soul, to be […]

any live man was in those

"If you only had some one to practise with regularly at home! Your voice ought to be systematically cultivated. It is wonderful!" And later: "You ought not to come here so much, I suppose–" rather doubtfully, "Any sort of practice and accompaniment–even my poor efforts–does you so much good! You or I would understand perfectly, […]