Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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MP3 Players – Features to Look For

The Amazing Disappearing Hard-Drive Player The two primary types of mp4 mp3 players are those that contain a hard drive, such as Apple’s iPod, and the flash-memory type. The advantage of the former is storage capacity; an iPod easily holds 160 GB of data. They are also the largest in terms of size and weight. […]

Finding the Right Mp3 Player

Do you know what kind of mp3 players you want? This is where choosing the best mp3 player starts. You have to know what you’ll be using this mp3 player for. Do you want to workout with it at the gym? Use it for running laps? Do you want to be able to put your […]

What Style of Mp3 Players For Kids Are There to Choose From

There are many different mp3 and mp4 players for kids. One of the most reviewed would have to be the Disney music players. Obviously the main factor in this is because Disney directs most of their products towards younger children. Being a huge distributing company of television shows, , and action figures, one would only […]

Choosing the Best MP3 Player

Most, if not all persons mp3 players are concerned about the appearance of their MP3, people love to buy MP3s that have a sleek, neat and clean look, one that will make a statement with just its appearance. As a result characteristics like the color and size of the player including the length, width and […]

How To Buy An MP3 Player

Now, let’s see how we can pick the perfect Mmusic media player. Types of MP3 player There are essentially four types of MP3 players in the market today. These include flash-based players, hard-drive based players and MP3 CD players. Let’s look at them in turn. Flash-based MP3 players Flash-based MP3 players have a flash memory […]