Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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Astrologie gratuite couple : consultez l’astrologie pour les couples

Pour connaître les affinités entre les signes, vous lisez l’astrologie du couple : vous avez raison ! L’astrologie propose une rubrique spéciale qui connaît, depuis longtemps déjà, un très grand succès : l’astrologie couple. Capable de jeter les bases des relations entre les signes d’après des calculs astrologiques d’une grande précision, l’astrologie pour le couple […]

Strassed shoes Becomes the New Frenzy

Strassed footwear is glamorous addition to each woman’s closet and shoe box. They come decorated with assorted sequins and matching glittering adds one. Being among the most popular group are they adorned by rhinestone crystals, beads and fake pearls. And then the flowery, a bit ribbon maybe a silky soft flower design may make down […]

Advantage and Disadvantages of Chat Rooms

Chat rooms are dedicated social network which allow open and active interaction via webchat chat, instant messaging exchanges and file sharing activity perhaps even interactive games. These are generally fully customized within the manner suited to each marketplace. They are portals of cross Atlantic and international communication allowing instant contact and connection for business agenda, […]

History of Disc Jockey

In 1857, Leon Scott invented the phonoautograph in France, the first device to record sound but with no method of playback. In 1877, Charles Cros invented a phonograph in France that was patented before Thomas Alva Edison’s invention but never built. Edison invented the phonograph cylinder, the first device to play back recorded sound, in […]

Bangladeshi Model Mim

Mim is one of top most popular model and up coming actress in Bangladeshi showbiz. She get huge popularity among the Bangladeshi youth generation in a short time. Her powerful performance influence the viewers very much.  Bangladeshi Model Mim worked in Bangla Natok and performed in several TV commercial. She has acted over 30 dramas. […]