Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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and sensed the terror in his eyes

Horrified she stared into the cruel face that leered down at her, and felt the grip tighten. And then as she looked into the face she saw a sudden grimace, and sensed the terror in his eyes. The hand relaxed; he bubbled something thickly and fell sideways against the bed. And now she saw. A […]

and to stay in the warm

chanel j12 nike shox torch 2 Lydia had not been out in the evening for several days, she remembered, as she began to undress for the night. The weather had been unpleasant, and to stay in the warm, comfortable flat was no great hardship. Even if she had gone out, Jaggs would have accompanied her, […]

and yet in some indefinable way

She was beginning to chafe under the sense of restraint. She was being “school-marmed” she thought. No girl likes the ostentatious protection of the big brother or the head mistress. The soul of the schoolgirl yearns to break from the “crocodile” in which she is marched to church and to school, and this sensation of […]

She was sitting at the piano

There followed a description of the wanted man. Jack turned to another part of the paper, and dismissed the paragraph from his mind. His partner, however, was to bring the matter up at lunch. Norwood Asylum was near Dulwich, and Mr. Rennett was pardonably concerned. “The womenfolk at my house are scared to death,” he […]

took a paper from his hand

“All the facts I can gather. There must be other cases which are beyond the power of the investigator to unearth.” “And what do you expect me to do?” Jack smiled. “I don’t expect you to do anything,” he said frankly. “You are not exactly supporting my views with enthusiasm.” The chief rose, a signal […]