Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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had been based not a trace remained in

  Susy’s independence and self-sufficiency had been among herchief attractions; if she were to turn into an echo theirdelicious duet ran the risk of becoming the dullest ofmonologues. He forgot that five minutes earlier he had resentedher being glad to see their friends, and for a moment he foundhimself leaning dizzily over that insoluble riddle of […]

and had often ministered to its qualms in others

chanel ceramic watches chanel j12   All these pre-natal experiences now seemed utterly inapplicableto the new man he had become. He could not imagine being boredby Susy–or trying to escape from her if he were. He could notthink of her as an enemy, or even as an accomplice, sinceaccomplices are potential enemies: she was some one […]

and found an unmixed joy in histask

    He knew enough of his subject to know that he did not knowenough to write about it; but he consoled himself by rememberingthat Wilhelm Meister has survived many weighty volumes onaesthetics; and between his moments of self-disgust he tookhimself at Susy’s valuation, and found an unmixed joy in histask.   Never–no, never!–had he been so […]

They were always taking up the wrong people

chanel j12 chanel ceramic watches  She even began to be aware of a growing liking for them, aliking inspired by the very characteristics that would once haveprovoked her disapproval. Susy had had plenty of training inliking common people with big purses; in such cases her stock ofallowances and extenuations was inexhaustible. But they had tobe […]

She means to go to Bagdad next spring

  "Queer child, Coral," he said to Susy that night as they smokeda last cigarette on their balcony. "She told me this afternoonthat she’d remembered lots of things she heard me say in India.   I thought at the time that she cared only for caramels andpicture-puzzles, but it seems she was listening to everything,and reading all […]