Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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MBT Shoes The Simple Way to Boost Any Workout Plan_2

<!–google_ad_client = “pub-2907974803424692”;/* 336×280, created 6/23/11 */google_ad_slot = “5895457713”;google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//–>What if a pair of shoes could correct your posture, correct the way you walk and even provide relief from foot and back problems? Masai Barefoot Technology aims to do just that, with a revolutionary approach to footwear that reprograms your body over […]

Mbt Shoes The Secret To Happy, Healthy Feet

If you抳e been dealing with back aches and sore feet lately, the problem may lie in your shoes. If correcting your posture, promoting better blood circulation throughout your body and toning your legs, buttocks and abs sound like tolerable side effects, MBT shoes may be just the answer you抳e been searching for. The Story Behind […]

MBT Shoes Now You Can Feel More Comfortable Every Day_2_3

<!–google_ad_client = “pub-2907974803424692”;/* 336×280, created 6/23/11 */google_ad_slot = “5895457713”;google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//–>Staying comfortable. Working out. These seem like two radically different concepts.But wouldn’t it be great if you could somehow combine them? If there were a product that could provide you with comfort and give your muscles a workout?Presenting: MBT shoes.Footwear by MBT, which […]

MBT Shoes A Smarter Approach to Footwear

ch_client = “articlealley”;,MBT Shoes Salech_type = “mpu”;ch_width = 675;ch_height = 250;ch_color_title = “006699”;ch_color_site_link = ‘006699’;ch_noborders = 1;ch_vertical =”premium”;ch_sid = “590x250_Article_New_1st”;var d = document.getElementsByTagName(‘span’);ch_queries = [];for(var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) {if(d[x].className && d[x].className.match(/^yell$/i)) {var a = d[x].getElementsByTagName(‘a’);for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {var v = ”;if(a[i].textContent) {v = a[i].textContent;}else{v = a[i].innerText;}v […]

MBT Shoes,Make Your Feet Happy_2

If you own a car, you don’t need to wear specialized mountaineering boots. If you need to do climbing or jumping, your ankle will suffer from the impact from different directions. In this case, can you guarantee your feet don’t hurt? A pair of good MBT sneakers can not only give you comfort, but also […]