Archive for the "Arts and Entertainment" Category


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divided his pine apple cheese and crackers

However, between giving Latin lessons to two or three of the New York delegation and this speech writing, and teaching the rudiments of grammar to an Arkansas member, whose custom it was to make a speech every day, I scraped a few dollars to the good, and retiring to my native village entered upon the […]

for while I could have poured out a flood of

She had sworn falsely, when her morals were no better than they should be. She now offered to do me justice by swearing to the truth; but so public had become the character she bore, that though she might swear to the truth of her own falsehood a thousand times, no one would believe her. […]

we took seats by the roadside

"Now, tell us, honest man, what through life has befallen thee to produce this sadness?" inquired the facetious major, adding, that he saw the tale of his trouble written in his face. The swine driver replied, that disappointment, and the malice of enemies, and the false reports of evil minded damsels, had reduced him to […]

had you but known the high quality of my reputation

"To the devil with your tinware; and if you cannot get it there fast enough by any other process, mount a South Carolina ass! for it occurs to me you would look well mounted upon such an animal!" This somewhat uncourteous retort disarmed the major, who stood for a time not knowing what to say […]

Orlando Wedding Photographer Services

In the days when cameras had only a few settings, choosing a wedding photographer was simple. Brides-to-be made sure that the person could operate the equipment with relative ease and use a darkroom, and the decision was made. These days, choosing an Orlando wedding photographer is akin to choosing an artist. With all the different […]