Archive for the "Automotive" Category

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Work for a rest!

I used to go to work out of necessity. I needed to pay my rent, my bills and I wanted to be able to go and enjoy myself. I worked as a hairdresser. I didn’t hate my job but if somebody would have given me the option of staying at home or going to work, […]

Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away!

I have just been on the most amazing “away day” with work and really had to share it with someone. It wasn’t really an away day, more of an away week! It was more than fantastic, it was exhilarating. When it was first announced that we were going to sail from North Wales to Dublin […]


I have been a continued love affair with Barcelona since my first visit in 1999. There is just something about the city which I find very captivating. I think it is its diversity. There is an excellent blend of old and new, rich and poor and the architecture is most definitely second to none. I […]

Traffic Jam!

We all know how infuriating it can be to be trapped in a traffic jam. I cannot stand it and it really does bring out the worst qualities in me. I throw things, swear and if I am traveling on my own and cannot row with my husband, then I will do it with the […]


A few short months ago you could not open a paper or watch a news program without the mention of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. However as other disasters occur and problems arise in our own lives, concerns about international affairs tend to fade. Its just human nature I suppose and it helps the world […]