Archive for the "Automotive" Category

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Audi R8 GT Spyder to Hit Showrooms

Following on from the success of the R8, the R8 V10 and the R8 V10 Spyder, Audi has now launched the latest R8 model, the R8 GT Spyder. This new soft top Spyder model of the R8 will be limited to 66 models in the UK, and a total of 333 across the world. Potential […]

Things you need to know about Shock Absorbers

The Shock absorbers A car is incomplete if it lacks dampers, more popularly known as shock absorbers. Every year, around 100 million shock absorbers are created and distributed worldwide. The United States and European countries are perceived to be the major producers of these car accessories. The demand for dampers is triggered by the need […]

Reduced Auto Insurance Policy Could Be Exhausted Fairly Quickly

Times are tough and everybody is searching for ways to save a bit more money. Auto insurance is one of the fields to look into. That is understandable in particular when the wages are unlikely to go up much in coming periods. If you can not improve your earnings you would want to reduce your […]

Testing the drivers-the necessary act of prevention

Passing a Driving Test is very important in order for one to get a valid driving license. The driving lessons are priceless in the fact that they give the knowledge so that one will be an independent person and will have total control over travels and movement. Driving Lessons are not just for new drivers […]

Tips to make an expert driver

Since the world population has increased, the safety on road is one of the most talked about issues today. It has become almost impossible for pedestrian and cyclists to make a free and comfortable movement. Highways are always known to be one of the major junctions of unwanted accidents and mishaps these days. The reason […]