Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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Wal-Mart Misleading Consumers?

A January 21, 2007 news column by Al Lewis reports that a number of Wal-Mart stores have placed organic food signs in front of or near products that are not organic. Wal-Mart spokeswoman Karen Burk says it’s an honest mistake. Based on what I know about Wal-Mart, I don’t buy it. Have you seen the […]

The 80-10-10 Diet

Back in September, I mentioned that my husband and I had purchased a set of DVD’s called, “Making Friends with Your Food” by Dr. Doug Graham and his wife, Professor Rozi Graham. In this post, I also said that as soon as we were done watching the DVDs, we were going to embark on a […]

Peanut Butter Recall!

Eeek! You may all want to look in your pantries for jars of Peter Pan or Great Value brand peanut butter. If any of your jars of either of these brands have the number 2111 on them, please take the product lids back to the store for a full refund. You’ll never guess what they […]

Power of Contrast

The people you spend the most time with profoundly impact your life. If they make more money than you, chances are your income will rise. If they make less than you, chances are your income will fall. It seems to me the same principle holds true with physique. If the people you spend the most […]

Easiest Way To Understand Weight Loss

It’s a new year and like many others you may have chosen a resolution that in some way deals with losing weight or just living an overall healthier lifestyle. ?The benefits of living healthier are easy to understand and see for the most part. ?Some of those benefits may include looking better, feeling better, and […]