Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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Predicted Maximum Heart Rate Calculation

Before beginning an exercise program it really is a good idea to check out your resting heart rate, target heart rate for your age, and a predicted maximum heart rate. It really is important to establish a base so that progress can be measured. This gives a goal for each workout. Before getting out of […]

Why You Should Choose the Pur Water Filter

Why You Should Choose the Pur Water Filter There are quite a few different types of water filter that you can choose from but if you really want to get the cleanest, freshest drinking water that you can, the Pur water filter seems to be the best. Studies have shown that the Pur water filter […]

Pure Water with Water Filter Systems

Pure Water with Water Filter Systems Getting pure water doesn’t need to be expensive. In the past, consumers might have had to pay thousands of dollars to remove minerals and bacteria from their water supply, but now outfitting your entire house can be done for just a few hundred dollars. If all you want is […]

How do You Lose Your Love Handles

I Want to Know, How do You Lose Your Love Handles? Love handles are those hard to lose rolls of fat that you get around the midsection. They can seem impossible to get rid of, but there are certainly things that you can do if you want to lose weight and focus on getting rid […]

The Benefits of a Whirlpool Water Filter

The Benefits of a Whirlpool Water Filter There are some pretty great benefits that are offered to you by a Whirlpool water filter. If you did not already know, tap water has lots of chemicals that are in it. Depending on where you live and just how bad the tap water situation is, you may […]