Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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About Kundalini Yoga

About Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a physical and meditative discipline within the tradition of yoga. It is associated with the subdivision of hatha yoga. This type of yoga describes a set of advanced yoga exercises. These exercises are movements that are also known as Kriiya Yoga. Kundalini yoga is known to be a pure […]

Child Discipline Books Can Be Very Useful

Child Discipline Books Can Be Very Useful Unfortunately children do not come with a detailed instruction manual which provides new parents with tips on how to raise them. Nurturing children so that they eventually become mentally and emotionally healthy well adjusted adults is no easy task. The job is particularly difficult if you happen to […]

Namaste Yoga Information

Namaste Yoga Information We all know what yoga is. Whether you have seen a commercial of an individual twisted up like a pretzel, seen someone in an advertisement doing yoga, or heard a friend praise the exercise, you have heard of yoga. But do you know what Namaste yoga is? You might have heard of […]

Coping With Discipline

Coping With Discipline & The Strong Willed Child Obedient easy going children generally don’t require that much discipline. If you tell an obedient child to stop a certain behavior he will obey because he wants to please you. Conversely discipline & the strong willed child go hand in hand. Tenacious children are often purposely defiant […]

Experiencing the Differing Types of Yoga

Experiencing the Differing Types of Yoga There are many different variations of yoga styles that can be found in yoga studios and workout gyms that offer yoga classes. These types of yoga have some basic qualities that are similar to each other, but there is a philosophy that lies behind them that is slightly different […]