Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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Effective Discipline For A Strong Willed Child

Effective Discipline For A Strong Willed Child If you have a strong willed child, looking for discipline methods can be hard. What will be effective? Where is the balance between discipline and abuse? How can you help a strong willed child modify their natural personality to be able to live more effectively with society? Set […]

Discovering The Beginner Yoga Positions

Discovering The Beginner Yoga Positions If you want to start yoga, you need to start at square one. You have probably seen the wild and crazy yoga poses that some of the advanced yoga students can do, but it will take time to warm up to those poses! Practice makes perfect, but much like any […]

Discipline Your Child Spanking Or Other Methods

Discipline Your Child Spanking Or Other Methods? There’s a good chance you were spanked as a child. Does that make it a good discipline method? Maybe – but probably not. It can be hard to determine what is a rational discipline plan for a child. Do you swat or spank to discipline your child? If […]

Break And Take A Look At Yoga Retreats

Take A Well Deserved Break And Take A Look At Yoga Retreats Things like stress and sickness can have very negative effects to your well being. This is the reason many practice you and meditation these days. Yoga and meditation keeps you in touch with your mind body and spirit and this is very therapeutic […]

Three Types Of Child Discipline Methodologies

Three Types Of Child Discipline Methodologies As a parent, it is very important to distinguish between discipline and punishment. Punishment is a type of discipline that involves setting the unpleasant consequences on past behavior of the child. Most common forms of punishment are spanking, hitting and abusing. There are however positive discipline techniques to teach […]