Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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Calm Down

This is something we might hear someone tell us if we are yelling or our voices begin to get a little higher pitched than normal. When your heart starts to beat real fast you might tell yourself to calm down or take it easy especially if you aren’t running or doing anything physical that would […]

Combating Tightness in Chest with Anxiety: Root Causes and Remedies

Very often, many of us tend to become victims of tightness in chest with anxiety feelings. We try to get rid of this ailment just by clutching our heart during those tense moments and by drinking umpteen glasses full of water. A few others think that we have had a heart attack that we fix […]

An Informative Brief on Test Anxiety

Are you afraid of a forthcoming exam in spite of a thorough preparation you had done by burning the midnight oil? Do you feel that you blank out as soon as you enter the exam hall in spite of being thorough with all the nook and crannies of the subject? Are you running a temperature […]

Recognizing The Symptoms Of Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety are so many that some can appear as relatively normal reactions to certain situations. Anxiety can actually be a result of a disorder that may be plaguing a person for some time now. While it is normal to be anxious when certain occurrences happen, there is such a thing as an […]

Insight into Symptoms of Mild Anxiety Attack

Mild anxiety attacks are very common and every one of us might have felt the tinge of mild attacks at least once in our lifetime. Mild anxiety attacks can be categorized as the moments when the person feels more alert, tensed and watchful. The moments before a performance test where we are expected to excel, […]