Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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How Can I Get Rid Of Soreness From Gout? – Acute Attack Of Gout

Gout is called the rich man’s disease. it comes from eating too much red meat. It can be easily controlled. Cut back on red meat, and have your doctor prescribe “allopurinol”. you take one tablet a day and it stops the formation of the crystals that cause the pain. If you are prone to gout, […]

5 Best Home Remedies For Treating A Vaginal Yeast Infection

Are you wondering how vaginal yeast infection can be cured? Well here are some effective and great home remedies for treating a vaginal yeast infection. In fact you can use these remedies to treat just any type of yeast infection you have. Vaginal yeast infection can either be cured orally or by vaginal insertion. Most […]

Conventional Home Remedies And Common Over-The-Counter Medicines For Yeast Infection

As you might already know Conventional home remedies for yeast infection is yoghurt, garlic, and many others out there. If you have a yeast infection then you can also try Boric Acid: Boric acid has antiseptic and antifungal properties. Inserting boric acid suppositories/capsules, sometimes also with garlic paste, in the vagina, and leaving it overnight, […]

Treating A Yeast Infection – Look No Further Than Your Physician, Pharmacy Or Fridge

Are you searching around the internet for tips for treating a yeast infection? Have you been frustrated as nothing seems to be working for you? Well I have noticed something as far as curing yeast infection is concerned: For a yeast infection cure you have no further to look than your physician, your pharmacy, or […]

Late Period And Possible Yeast Infection: Tips For Treating A Yeast Infection

I’ve never gotten a yeast infection before, but I think I may have one now. I’ve been on antibiotics for the past three weeks for an ear injury/infection, which I’ve read may cause them. I have a couple questions: 1-what’s a natural way to cure a yeast infection. I already eat two cups of yogurt […]