Archive for the "Management" Category

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Is the Classic Postcard Marketing Still Effective

If there is one marketing tool that would deliver huge impact for just a small price and space that would be the postcards. Over the years, business owners have seen the marketing advantage of these cards in promoting a business. No matter what type of products or services you offer, these cards would easily and […]

NarrowCoach Award kandidaten bekend

De nominaties voor de NarrowCoach Award zijn weer bekend. Dit jaar zijn de kandidaten Bake Five, Stichting PostAcademisch Onderwijs en Muziekschool Hengelo e.o.. Wie mag het stokje dit jaar overnemen van Vivare? De NarrowCoach Award wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt aan een organisatie die flexibel is en een natuurlijke hang heeft naar nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Management Instituut Nederland […]

Practical Approach to Resolve Human Resource Issues

The relationship between an employee and an employer is one of mutual understanding, whole-hearted cooperation and faith. The employer expects the maximum output from his employee to make his business prosperous. The employee in return expects job security and guarantee of his interests. An employer who understands and attends to the needs of his employees […]

For candidates certified under previous versions of the exama

CompTIA A+ certified professionals who are encouraged or required by their employers to remain current on their have two options: 1. Take the CompTIA A+ 2009 Edition (two exams). 2. Only those who are certified in the most recent version of CompTIA A+ (2006 objectives) by taking 220-601 and one of the following: 220-602, 220-603 […]

Change Management Training

The adage, Change the only constant’ is true since most people resist change. They prefer to live their lives, professional or personal, dictated by a routine. Even a slight change in their routines is not appreciated. Similarly, if changes for betterment of a company are proposed, many employees resent those changes. This holds true especially […]