Archive for the "Management" Category

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Spare Time Tracking

What do you like to do in your spare time?  Are you among the extreme sports enthusiasts who heli-ski the world’s tallest peaks or choose Class V whitewater to raft?  Or are you one of the five Americans who spent $36 billion on bird watching in 2006?  Perhaps you’re perfectly content in the back yard […]

Benefits of Workers’ Compensation Software for High Risk Businesses

A high risk business environment should address safety and health concerns of the people working in it. Industries such as construction and mining are considered as high risk businesses, as their workplaces are highly prone to accidents. Hence, these businesses are highly susceptible to face compensation claims by the employees, making employers spend huge amounts […]

Valentine’s Wishes To Your Employees

Every year, after the Christmas tree is stored away and the clackers stop clacking on New Years Eve, there’s a lull in celebrations until that lovingest of all holidays comes along and it’s time to express to those in your world how much you care. Of course, that’s Valentine’s Day and when it comes to […]

Ronn Torossian of 5WPR on Crisis PR & NEW Liberty Mutual Crisis

My crisis PR agency, 5WPR was pleased today to read the announcement that Liberty Mutual Insurance has added a crisis management endorsement to its new commercial lead umbrella policy form –It’s great that insurance companies recognize the vast importance of good crisis communications. In today’s world, bad communications can cost companies millions – or even […]

DBMS Software Administration

Storage of data is vital for any firm and a database becomes inevitable. Generally the things are manipulated by a database management system software or DBMS software.  The DBMS software needs to be managed and maintained and this is called database administration.  The process of management and maintenance is mainly of three types. They are […]