Archive for the "Management" Category

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Creating an Employee Motivation Program for a More Productive Workplace

In order for any business to flourish, the workforce should remain highly productive and employee motivation should remain high. As Bill Callette and Richard Hadden pointed out in the seminal HR text “Contented Cows Give More Milk,” “Building an environment of positive employee relations is not just the “right thing to do, it is the […]

Senior interim management

Green-Park is a specialized Interim management recruiting company which basically makes the match between the corporation and the person that is looking to fill in a leading position in this company. While there will be many different grades of positions in the company to fill, to hire for senior positions are always a very sensitive […]

Interim Management

To hire new employees is often a challenging task. You have to fill open job positions with people you do not know. You will trust them with different subjects and tasks; you teach them certain procedures and expect solutions even you deal with strangers. How do you select people who will work in your company […]

The benefits of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

In this era of advancement and strong competition and where worldwide market is persistently finishing, it is difficult to maintain winning position. The business therefore should be forceful and supple. This comprises being unbiased and accepting that the business processes at present is new, may be obsolete tomorrow. This is a reality of life, since […]

The basics of stair renovation

The place where you walk is one of the most important in terms of home renovation. This includes the floorings and the staircase in a house. If you get enough comfort and a feel good factor with the floorings and the staircase, you are bound to get positive vibes from the house itself. Hence focusing […]