Archive for the "Marketing" Category

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Bulk SMS Service, a boon for business organizations

In today’s technological scenario, people are being more and more techno savvy. They are adopting latest technology as soon as, it has been reaching in their hand. And this technology has been changing their way of life. We have so many examples regarding this fact and mobile technology is a best example here. Presently mobile […]

Showtime’s Magnum Opus!

Five mega back-to-back events were organised in November 2011 to mark the milestones. Showtime handled all the events. The grand opening dinner at Mr. Singh’s residence in New Delhi set the tone for the festivities that followed. Over 300 high-profile guests from India and overseas were hosted in an ambience that was enlivening, yet homely. […]

Various factors to consider while choosing personalized pens

Personalized pens are great ways to communicate business as well as personal messages. There are different types of imprinted pens you can choose from based on various factors. Personalized pens are great marketing tools that can effectively take your business to your target audience at minimal costs. There are increasingly being preferred over other forms […]

Reasons Custom pens are preferred over other traditional forms of marketing

Custom pens are fast becoming the most preferred choice for marketing purposes. Unlike the other traditional marketing techniques, imprinted prints offer benefits that cannot be overlooked. The concept of marketing has undergone a tremendous transformation in recent times, considering the intense competition that exists in every field today. With the economy also standing on shaky […]

How to get the Best Price on HD Hero2 Cameras

The most recent digicam within the GoPro pruduct brand is the HD Hero2 MotorSports Model. This Camera offers numerous new features that the original GoPro didn’t have. You can even use the same mounting brackets and mounts as the original HD Hero since it is the same small size as the original GoPro. Countries from […]