Archive for the "Printing" Category

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Making a Good Business Presentation through Presentation Folders

In business, presentation is everything. It’s crucial that you give a good presentation not only of yourself but also of your business if you want people to invest their hard-earned money on you. Fortunately, it’s easy these days to give your business a good presentation. There are materials you can use that will ensure people […]

Top Five Direct Mailing Mistakes to Avoid

Direct mail marketing may seem easy to implement but don’t be fooled. Without carefully planning the whole thing, you can guarantee that your campaign will become a resounding failure. To give you a little heads up, here are the worst mistakes you can possibly make in direct mail marketing, along with some tips on how […]

How to Use Direct Mails of Other Companies to Improve Your Own Strategy

Direct mailing has a special place in the hearts of start ups and small business. It is one of the most useful and cost effective marketing strategies any business can have. As a company operating in the Amarillo area, yours has probably dabbled in direct mailings. Was your campaign successful? How was the response rate? […]

Points to Remember when Ordering your Bookmarks

Every business owner aims for an effective and compelling marketing campaign. Although that would be easy to achieve to some businesses, others would have a hard time creating a winning campaign. A successful marketing campaign though doesn’t require a lot of investment. If you have been to believe that you need to invest on expensive […]

Devising the Perfect Marketing Postcard

In an era of email, social media, and online shopping, it’s easy to forget magazines, business cards, postcards, and other traditional marketing materials. There’s really nothing wrong with using the internet and the latest marketing tools to promote your business, but you have to understand that traditional marketing is still an important part of running […]