Archive for the "Career" Category


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Top Mistakes Fresher’s Make in their CV

In times of recession looking for a suitable job would become a nightmare for the novices because they prepare the CV in an amateurish manner leading to an outright rejection. It is an unfortunate situation which could be rectified by concentrating on the finer while creating the profile for a particular interview. There are some […]

Better Utilization Of Free Employment Notification

Movement from one door to the other in search of a job or to drop your resume is a way of doing things that has been overtaken by events and replaced by a more efficient method. This is the quick and reliable free job alert that brings an appointment letter to your doorstep. It does […]

Learn Hip Hop from Hip Hop Dance Training Videos and have Fun

Hip Hop has become extremely popular dance form among the youngsters because of its movements and attitude. While some people are learning it from a pure passion and love for the dance form, others are practicing it for the purpose of fitness. Hip hop is basically a form of street dance and it consists of […]

Profession Spotlight – Physician Assistant

A Physician Assistant has the honorable job of helping physicians in patient care and assistance. It is an occupation which is far more than just a mere job; it is a life style. To grow to be a profitable Physician Assistant you need to be an empathetic person, know the best way to relate to […]

Learn Hip Hop Dance and Fulfill Your Dream

Learn hip hop dance and get fit. Learn hip hop dance and hone your dancing skills and enjoy your talent. There are several hip hop dance instructors and you can definitely find out one in your locality and learn hip hop dance. Hip hop dance while learning is broken into combinations. These combinations are again […]